Client: Kafi

Consultant: Dwarves Foundation


This plan details the high level approach for incrementally acquire and integrating components from GoLine, aiming for a greater internally controlled and efficiently developed system.

The plan is structured to set up a development project to ensure a smooth takeover, maximize code reuse, enhance internal ownership, and accelerate development.


Project Approach

This project will be executed in a phased approach, meaning we will purchase patches of components needed according to milestone of our development roadmap . We will focus on feature prioritization, setting up Kafi’s internal team and project environment, and transitioning components from GoLine’s infrastructure to Kafi’s.

Once the team is set up, we will immediately move into rolling out features in parallel using multiple cross-functional teams. The transition of critical components from GoLine and the scaling of the platform will happen alongside feature rollouts. Key technical dependencies and their impact are integrated into the approach to ensure that potential risks are mitigated.